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Faculty and Staff Parking

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Faculty and staff may register their vehicles to obtain parking permits anytime, and permanent staff and faculty parking permits are non-expiring. Faculty/staff decals are issued to employees of the University who are not graduate assistants or teaching assistants. An employee is defined as a person who is paid by the University or a private contractor such as Aramark, is listed as an employee in Human Resources or in Academic Affairs, and is not at the University primarily for their own educational advancement.

If you are full-time staff or faculty and do not have a parking permit but need to obtain one, please visit the Parking Operations Office to enroll in the payroll deduction program and receive your permit. Once enrolled, permits are continuous as long as the member remains enrolled in the payroll deduction program.

Payroll Deduction Form

Where to Park

Generally, employees park in yellow-lined spaces (not in white spaces). There are some local exceptions to this rule at the residence halls for housekeepers (who may park in white spaces at the residence halls where they work), in the Baptist Church Lot, and in the Old Warehouse Lot between the Bookstore and the Print Shop, and in the Outreach Center.

Faculty/staff may also park in any of the overflow spaces at the stadium, the Ramsey Center, the baseball field lots, and the Walker A lot.

Cullowhee United Methodist Church (Lot# 65) is Faculty/Staff parking. Please note: this lot is closed from 5:00 PM till 7:00 am daily.

  • Faculty and staff members who retire in good standing with the University are eligible for free parking privileges.
  • The Parking Operations office staff will issue a RETIRED sticker to be placed on your current permanent permit.
  • Vehicles displaying retired permits may park in any white or yellow space which is not designated as a reserved, metered, handicapped, loading zone, or other types of special use space.
  • Retired permits need not be replaced on a yearly basis, they are permanent permits.
  • If a vehicle is traded or sold, notify the Parking Operations office with any changes.
  • Retired permits that are faded may be replaced at no charge.
  • Retired permits may not be used by students or other family members who are employees of the University.
  • Faculty and staff whose primary duty station is on the UNCA campus must purchase a UNCA decal.
  • The UNCA decal is honored in faculty/staff spaces on the Western campus. 
  • Faculty, staff or students that do not have a UNCA permit and parking on Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵcampus must purchase a day pass for $5.00 or pay to park in the metered lot.