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Visitor Parking

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Planning a visit? Meet the people and experience the community that makes Western Carolina unique. Explore the center of campus, where you will find dining and shopping at the Noble Hall retail area, campus bookstore and brown dining facility.

  • Visitors planning to only be on campus for a few hours may pay to park in the metered lots. Meter rates are $1.00 per half hour. You may also use the ParkMobile app where you can pay online from anywhere, receive prior notifications before a meter expires and extend time to avoid parking tickets. 
  • Visitors who plan to stay for more than 8 hours are encouraged to obtain a visitor pass. With a visitor pass, you can park in student or faculty/staff spaces (white or yellow non-metered spaces) that are not designated as for special use, reserved, disability parking or loading zones. Those visiting during the week (Monday-Friday) are asked to park in the baseball lot #8A so that spaces are not taken that are allocated for students and faculty.
  • For your convenience, a meter has been installed at the entrance to the parking office (Cordelia Camp Building) for visitors. The cost of the permit is $1.00 per day for up to 7 days. Credit cards and cat cards are accepted, no cash. The meter can be accessed 24/7. Student use prohibited. 
  • Visitors who do not obtain a visitor pass or pay to park in a meter lot risk receiving a 'No Registration' ticket ($132).
  • Visitors are permitted to use the Cat-Tran shuttle service.

Please note that if a visitor receives a parking citation for 'No Registration', the ticket should be returned to the Parking Operations Office in Cordelia Camp 106.  You may also call 828-227-7275 for assistance.  Visitors are expected to abide by the parking rules and regulations while visiting WCU's campus. 

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