SECTION 1. By approval of the ĢƵ Board of Trustees under authority of North Carolina Statute 116-44.4, the provisions of ĢƵ Parking and Traffic Regulations shall apply to the operators of all vehicles, whether public or private, and these rules and regulations shall be in force twenty-four (24) hours a day, except as herein provided. It shall be unlawful for any operator to violate any of the provisions of these rules and regulations, except as otherwise permitted in the regulations or by the General Statutes of North Carolina .
SECTION 2. The operator of any vehicle shall obey the lawful instructions of any officer and of any official traffic sign or control device applicable thereto placed in accordance with the provisions of these regulations, unless otherwise directed by an officer. These regulations are in force whether or not specific traffic signs are used. The responsibility of finding a legal parking space rests with the motor vehicle operator. Lack of space is not considered an excuse for violation of any parking regulation. The Director of Parking & Transportation shall be responsible for causing the signs, signals, and marking necessary to implement these regulations to be erected, established, and maintained.
SECTION 3. No person shall without lawful authority attempt to or in fact, alter, deface, injure, knock down, or removal of any official traffic or parking control sign or device or any inscription, shield, or insignia thereon or any other part thereof. Violators will be subject to a $50 fine in addition to the cost of replacement and/or repair of these signs.
SECTION 4. The Director of Parking & Transportation, in acting pursuant to the authority vested in him by these regulations, shall exercise his discretion and authority in such a manner as to accommodate the proper conduct of the necessary business of the University and assure effective utilization and control of the available parking areas and facilities on the campus for the maximum benefit of students, faculty, staff and visitors.
SECTION 5. The definitions of all terms used in these regulations shall be those provided in Section 20-4.01 and other applicable sections of the General Statutes of North Carolina insofar as they are provided. The meaning of other terms shall be as follows:
SECTION 1. The Chancellor will determine and control the categories of motorists required to register vehicles pursuant to authority conferred by General Statutes 116-44.3.
SECTION 2. Every motorist desiring to park on campus is required to register with the ĢƵParking Operations Office all vehicles to be parked and to pay the parking permit fee(s). No motorist may register or acquire a parking permit for a vehicle not owned by himself or herself, his or her spouse, a parent, or a guardian. Every motorist must have proof of ownership to register any vehicle on campus. Additionally, in accordance with North Carolina general statutes, students are required to show proof of insurance. The Chancellor shall have authority to establish the number of vehicles any motorist may register and operate pursuant to these regulations.
SECTION 3. The Director of Parking & Transportation shall establish procedures for registration of vehicles as an integral part of the University registration process. Registration of vehicles shall be accomplished at the beginning of the fall semester of each year within 48 hours of the first class, or in the case of a student who registers in the University at a time other than the beginning of the Fall semester or an employee who is employed at a time other than the beginning of the Fall semester, within 24 hours of the time the student first registers in the University and at the beginning of the Fall semester thereafter. New employees may obtain a temporary permit at no charge from the Department of Human Resources that is valid for a period not to exceed 30 days.
SECTION 4. In the event that a vehicle is not owned by a student or an employee at the time prescribed in the preceding section for the registration of vehicles, but is thereafter acquired by a student or an employee, such vehicle shall be registered within 24 hours following its acquisition.
SECTION 5. Upon application by the motorist and upon the payment of a parking permit fee, except as herein provided, the ĢƵParking Operations Office will register the vehicle indicating that the holder thereof is a student enrolled in or an employee of the University and the academic year for which the permit is effective. The motorist's parking permit shall contain the proper zone designating the areas on the campus of the University for which the person is entitled to park.
SECTION 6. The Director of Parking & Transportation is hereby directed to collect a vehicle parking fee as established by the University from each motorist who registers a vehicle for campus parking. Students attending the Spring semester or employees employed after January 1 will be charged a pro rata fee for their parking permit. Any parking permit purchased in the Fall for a full year may be returned for a refund of half the annual cost if returned by January 31 of the subject academic year.”
SECTION 7. Parking permits are virtual meaning that there will be no physical hangtag necessary for display. All vehciles must register with the parking office in order to obtain a virtual permit.
SECTION 8. The motorist to whom a vehicle is registered shall be responsible for all parking and traffic violations of the vehicle for which the permit is used.
SECTION 9. A parking permit shall be valid only in the parking areas for which it is issued,
or as otherwise specified in these regulations.
NOTE: Resident freshmen must park in the freshman lots at all times.
SECTION 10. Temporary parking permits are available from the ĢƵParking Operations Office at a price of $10.00 per week.
SECTION 11. When a vehicle is traded, sold, or otherwise disposed of, retain your permit to be used in other vehicles you have registered to park on campus property.
SECTION 12. In addition to other fees and fines, unauthorized possession of parking permit or falsification of registration information may result in loss of parking privileges for the remainder of the semester and referral to the Student Judicial Affairs Office or the Human Resources Department for disciplinary action.
Motorists who require a temporary disability permit may apply at the local License Plate Agency, 454 E Main Street, Sylva, NC (828-586-3886) or . When temporary disability permits are issued, students and employees must comply with and are subject to all other provisions of these regulations. Employee or student may park in spaces designated by the special permit. Disability spaces are designated for disabled persons only. Vehicles must have a disability permit displayed on the vehicle to park in a disability space.
Owners of two or more vehicles may register all of their vehicles under the same permit by paying the parking fee. Only one vehicle may be parked on campus at a time. All vehicles for which the permit is to be used must be registered.
A. The following examples shall constitute violations of Parking and Traffic Regulations.
Unauthorized Possession of |
$100* and Wheel lock |
Falsification of Permit Registration |
$100* and Wheel Lock |
Reproduction/Illegal Use of Parking Permit Altered Parking Permit |
$100* and Wheel Lock
(*) Plus revocation of campus parking privileges for the remainder of the semester.
VIOLATION Queuing - Blocking Traffic Lane (A line of vehicles or people awaiting their turn to be attended to or proceed)
No PERMIT - No Registration
Parking Permit Not Properly Displayed |
FINE $50
$50 |
Backing Into or Pulling Through Parking Space |
$25 |
Parking in "No Parking" Zone |
$50 |
Parking in Unauthorized Area |
$50 |
Blocking/Unauthorized Use Of "Loading" Zone |
$50 |
Blocking Trash Pickup Areas |
$50 |
Parking in Fire Lane |
$100 and Tow |
Blocking or Obstructing Traffic, Street, |
$50 |
Parked Wrong Way on One Way Street or |
$50 |
Parking in Expired Metered or |
$50 |
Prohibited Parking on Grass |
$50 $50 |
Failure To Park in Designated Parking Space |
$50 |
Unauthorized Parking in Handicapped Space |
$250 |
Unauthorized Use of Handicapped Placard Failure Obey Traffic Sign or Officer |
$250 $50 |
Obstructing a Handicapped Curb Cut or Access Area |
$75 |
Parking in a Barricaded Area |
$50 AND TOW |
Parking in a Reserved Space |
$50 and Tow |
Moving Violation - Speeding, Failure to Stop At Stop Sign, Traffic Signal Violation, Etc. |
$75 |
Non-moving Violations, i.e., Seat Belt, Equipment Defect, Expired Tag |
$50 |
Operating a Vehicle Producing Loud Noise |
$50 |
Pedestrian Violation - Jaywalking |
$50 |
Operating Bicycle in Violation Of Traffic Rules |
$50 |
Skateboarding/Roller Skating Violation |
$50 |
Wheel Lock Fee |
$75 |
Moving, non-moving, loud noise, pedestrian, bicycle, and skateboard/roller skating violations may also be violations of state law. It is left to the discretion of the police officer as to whether a campus or state citation is issued.
If a motorist decides to use his or her personal vehicle for a university purpose or function, such use does not grant the motorist any immunity from these rules.
B. Enforcement
1. Payment of Fines
Fines will be paid in accordance with the published and approved schedule.
Fines are payable at the Cashiers Office at the One-Stop Center.
2. Towing and Impoundment of Vehicles
The Director of Parking & Transportation may designate those areas on campus as wheel-lock or tow areas.
Vehicles that are illegally parked, parked without a parking permit, or parked with voided, canceled, or an illegal parking permit, or parked illegally in a wheel-lock or tow area are subject to wheel-lock or towing. Towing, impoundment, and/or wheel-lock fees will apply.
Generally, vehicles that are wheel-locked or impounded in the Police Department impound lot will only be released during the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. In verifiable emergency situations, the release of vehicles may be made at other than the above stated hours by special arrangements with police officers on duty. All fees and fines must be paid before a vehicle is released.
Any motorist whose vehicle is wheel-locked or towed may file an appeal in the same manner as appealing a parking citation. The appeal shall be in writing and submitted to the SGA Traffic Court (students) or the University Parking, Traffic, and Safety Committee (all others).
Any motorist who appeals the towing of his or her vehicle and whose appeal is not granted may appeal to the District Court [NCGS §116-44.4(i) (2)(c)].
C. Disciplinary Action
Students: Non-payment of fines will result in the student not being permitted to register for ensuing semesters until the indebtedness is cleared. Students who leave the University or who are candidates for graduation will not be issued diplomas or transcripts until the indebtedness is cleared. Individuals who leave the University owing parking fines are subject to having their income tax return garnished.
D. Appeals
Faculty, staff, and students may appeal citations within 14 days of receiving a citation to the Student Government Association. Appeal citations by using the online appeal form located on the T2 portal. Appeals that have not been completed within the 14 day period will not be heard by the SGA. State citations are not appealable through the SGA and are only appealable through the NC Court System.
E. Habitual Offenders
A habitual offender is any motorist who receives three (3) or more parking and/or university traffic citations within one semester. Parking and/or university traffic citations that are successfully appealed are not counted.
Any motorist who is deemed a habitual offender shall have his or her parking privileges revoked as follows:
After receiving the third parking and/or university traffic citation within one semester, the motorist's parking permit shall be revoked for one week. The motorist may apply for restoration of the parking permit at the end of the revocation period.
After receiving the sixth parking and/or university traffic citation within one semester, the motorist's parking permit shall be revoked for two weeks. The motorist may apply for restoration of the parking permit at the end of the revocation period.
After receiving the ninth parking and/or university traffic citation within one semester, the motorist's parking permit shall be revoked of three weeks. The motorist may not apply for restoration of the parking permit until the end of the revocation period.
After receiving the twelfth parking and/or university traffic citation within one semester, the motorist's parking permit shall be revoked for the remainder of the semester or a period of four weeks during which classes are in session, whichever is greater. The motorist may not apply for restoration of the parking permit until the end of the semester in which the motorist is enrolled as a student, employed or the four-week period, whichever applies.
Any motorist who parks his or her vehicle on campus during the revocation period is subject to having his or her vehicle wheel-locked and/or towed. Wheel-lock and/or towing fees shall be assessed to the motorist.
A motorist who continues parking his or her vehicle on campus after the revocation period implies that he or she wishes to have his or her parking permit restored.
Parking for Special Events shall be in accordance with the University's Game Day and
Special Event Parking Policy.
When an emergency situation occurs, parking and traffic limitations may be imposed
by the Director of the Police Department as required by the conditions which prevail.
Vehicles will be required to yield the right-of-way to emergency situations and emergency
Construction or repair operations may require changes in traffic patterns or the redesignation
of parking areas. When such situations occur, the staff of the Police Department and/or
the Facilities Management Department will attempt to notify all faculty, students,
and staff through campus publications and media of the impending restrictions.
A. No pedestrian shall walk or remain on any street, roadway, alley, driveway, parking lot, or parking area in such a careless, negligent, or willful manner so as to endanger his or her safety or to constitute an unreasonable impediment to lawful vehicular traffic.
B. Pedestrian traffic shall abide by traffic and directional signs and signals and shall adhere to all lawful directions of University employees.
A. Faculty and Staff Parking Lots/Areas. These lots/areas are designated by signage and/or yellow lines.
B. Unless otherwise designated, commuter parking permits will be allowed to park in these areas from 5 p.m. to 7 a.m. Monday through Friday and 7am-11pm on Saturday and Sunday.
C. Vehicles with a Faculty/Staff parking permit will be allowed to park in all zones designated Faculty/Staff, Commuter, and Freshmen parking. Vehicles with a Faculty/Staff parking permit will not be allowed to park in Upperclassman-R (resident hall) parking.
D. Reserved, handicapped, and other specially designated parking spaces/areas are for certain individuals or vehicles and applicable regulations for these spaces are enforced 24 hours a day. Spaces that are blocked off by traffic cones, barricades, tape, or other barriers are reserved and not available for parking.
E. Upperclassmen-R Parking Lots/Areas. These lots/areas are designated by signage and/or white lines. These areas are reserved for resident students with an Upperclassman-R permit.
F. Vehicles with Upperclassmen-R parking permits will be allowed to park in all zones designated Upperclassmen-R parking.
G. Commuter Parking Lots/Areas. These lots/areas are designated by signage and/or white lines.
H. Vehicles with a Commuter parking permit will be allowed to park in all zones designated Commuter parking.
I. Vehicles with Faculty/Staff parking permits will be allowed to park in all zones designated Commuter.
J. Vehicles with Freshmen parking permits will be allowed to park in zones designated Freshmen parking and the South Baseball Field lot #8B.
K. Motorists with questions or issues regarding parking lots/areas should contact the Parking Operations Office for assistance (828.227.7275). Office hours Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm.
L. All faculty/staff parking areas, reserved parking areas/spaces, handicapped parking spaces, and fire lanes are designated as wheel-lock/tow zones for the purpose of enforcement. The Director of Parking & Transportation is authorized to designate parking spaces and areas as enforceable by wheel-lock or towing.
Mopeds, scooters, and bicycles are to be parked in a manner so as not to obstruct the movement of pedestrians or interfere with the operation of mechanical or safety devices. If a moped, scooter, or bicycle uses a space reserved for motorcycles or automobiles, it must be registered for a parking permit. In case of theft and for the owner's protection, the Parking Operations Department will register the mopeds, scooters, and bicycles free of charge.
Mopeds, Scooters and Bicycles must:
The use of skateboards, roller blades, or roller skates upon the streets and sidewalks of campus is prohibited.
All motor vehicles that are disabled on campus for more than 24 hours are to be reported to the Parking and Transportation Office at the start of the next business day. The Parking and Transportation Office staff will provide instructions on how to address this situation. Failure to follow instructions may results in the vehicle being cited, wheel-locked, and/or towed. Disabled vehicles that are illegally parked or obstructing roadways, traffic lanes, sidewalks or other avenues of vehicular and/or pedestrian traffic may be immediately towed at the registered owner's* expense.
* Registered owner means the person and/or lienholder to whom the vehicle is registered either through the Department of Motor Vehicle records or Parking Operations Office records.
"Abandoned vehicle" means a motor vehicle that has remained illegally on the private or public property for a period of more than 10 days without the consent of the owner or person in control of the property. [§20-137.7(1)]
"Derelict vehicle" is a vehicle:
a. that has an expired registration and the registered and legal owner no longer resides at the address listed on the last certificate of registration on record with the North Carolina Department of Transportation;
b. that has major parts removed so as to render the vehicle inoperable and incapable
of passing inspections as
required by existing standards;
c. that have the manufacturer's serial plates, vehicle identification numbers, license plate numbers, and any other means of identification removed so as to nullify efforts to locate or identify the registered and legal owner;
d. for which the registered and legal owner of record disclaims ownership or releases his/her rights thereto; or
e. for which the vehicle is more than twelve years old and does not bear a current license as required by the Department of Motor Vehicles.
When an abandoned or derelict motor vehicle is found on campus, the Parking Operations Office shall dispose of it in accordance with North Carolina general statute §20-137.10.
While signage is posted in many areas of campus to designate parking spaces, the use of colored lines also serves to designate parking spaces. The following colors designate the type of parking space/area.
The Director of Parking and Transportation reserves the right to add or change colors for space designation.
Special Reserved spaces are designated by signage. Time Limited spaces are designed by signage or parking meters.