Dr. Kelly R. Kelley received her Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Since 2007, she has served as the University Participant (UP) Program Co-Founder, Coordinator, Consultant, and Director. Dr. Kelley has published a book, many book chapters, and peer reviewed articles. She has presented at more than 230 international, national, and state conferences with a majority of student's co-presenting with her. Her research interests include secondary transition related to assistive technology, independent living, and inclusive postsecondary opportunities for individuals with intellectual disability. Her book is called <i>Teaching, Including, and Supporting College Students with Intellectual Disabilities.</i>
Introductory courses in exceptionalities, secondary transition, assistive technology, collaboration, working with families, and adult services
Secondary transition, assistive technology, social skills instruction, independent living and inclusive postsecondary opportunities for individuals with mild to moderate intellectual disability