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Hunter Library has a collection of various graphing calculators available for patrons to use. These items can be checked out for four-hour periods, and must remain within the library.

The Texas Instruments TI-83 Plus is good for basic graphing calculator functions. It is a popular graphing calculators for students. In addition to the functions present on normal scientific calculators, it includes many features, including function graphing, polar/parametric/sequence graphing modes, statistics, trigonometric, and algebraic functions, along with Flash memory.


The Texas Instruments TI-84 plus is good for basic graphing calculator functions. It is a popular graphing calculator for students. In addition to the functions present on normal scientific calculators, it includes many features, including function graphing, polar/parametric/sequence graphing modes, statistics, trigonometric, and algebraic functions, along with Flash memory. It is a little more advanced from the TI-83 with a USB port and built-in clock functionality. It has advanced functions but is still easy to use.


The Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus CE is good for basic graphing calculator functions. It is a popular graphing calculator for students. In addition to the functions present on normal scientific calculators, it includes many features, including function graphing, polar/parametric/sequence graphing modes, statistics, trigonometric, and algebraic functions, along with Flash memory. It is a little more advanced from the TI-83 with a USB port, which is on the side, and built-in clock functionality. It has advanced functions but is still easy to use.

Getting Started, Manual, Programming Guide, App Guide

The Texas Instruments TI-Nspire calculator is comparable to the TI-84 Plus in features and functionality. However, it has an actual computer style OS and can be custom programmed for very advanced users. It can be very complicated if you just want to perform basic calculations. You will want to consult the manuals for help.

Manual, Programming Guide, Student Software Manual, Teacher Software Manual