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Careers in Biology

Your degree—whether one of the two undergraduate or three graduate offerings from the Department of Biology—prepares you for employment, medical school, dental school, veterinary medicine school, or graduate school.  Browse the following links for career information and opportunities:

Job prospects, required training, median salaries, etc.

  • : This site is a MUST SEE. It's an excellent source for career descriptions, requirements, salaries, outlooks, etc. in biomedical, biotech, ecological, and other areas of biology and science in general.

  • : information about careers for people with training in biology.

Job Search Engines

  • : advertisements for jobs in all areas of biology (biomedical to ecological) and other sciences
  • : Job ads from biomedical, biotech, ecology, and all other areas of biology and other sciences. This site is the job ad portion of the prestigious journal, Science.
  • : Job ads from biomedical, biotech, ecology, and all other areas of biology and other sciences. Don't let the name fool you into thinking it focuses on ecological jobs. It doesn't. This site is the job ad portion of the prestigious journal, Nature.
  • : advertisements for jobs in all areas of biology
  • : advertisements for jobs in ecology and other environmentally focused fields.

To search for current open positions in the offices and departments at Western Carolina University, .