The Department of Human Services offers a Bachelor of Science degree through the Birth Kindergarten Distance Learning Program. Birth Kindergarten Distance Learning courses are accessed through the Canvas learning management system. All instructional activities such as lectures, group interactions, reading assignments, class projects, presentations, submission of assignments, e-mail exchange, test administration, and other course functions occur within the Canvas environment.
All Distance Learning students should follow ĢƵguidelines for computer specifications. In addition, all Distance Learning students should be able to perform common computer functions such as e-mailing, chat, discussion boards, browsing the Internet, zipping and unzipping files, downloading and uploading files, keyword searching, and be able to use Microsoft Office products including Word, PowerPoint, and Excel.
Chat Rooms – synchronous (at the same time) communication with others in the class
Discussion Boards – asynchronous (not at the same time) communication with others in the class
Drop Boxes – electronic tool(s) for uploading and submitting written assignments and files
Online Tests – self-administration of timed quizzes and exercises
Email – communication between two or more members of the class
To be accepted into the Birth-Kindergarten Distance Learning Program, a prospective student must meet the application requirements of the University and:
A minimum of 120 semester hours are required. This requirement is comprised of:
Early Childhood Concentration
Liberal Studies (42 hours)
Birth-Kindergarten Core Courses (30 hours)
Early Childhood Concentration Courses (30 hours)
Guided Electives (15 hours)
Professional Education Concentration
Liberal Studies (42 hours)
Birth-Kindergarten Core Courses (30 hours)
Professional Education Concentration Courses (39 hours)
Guided Electives (9 hours
See Program of Study information for:
Yes, students can transfer 12 semester hours of community college courses into the Birth-Kindergarten degree. There are four courses that can be transferred into the program and include:
EDU 144 and 145 or (PSY 244 and 245) | = BK 363 |
EDU 146 | = BK 462 |
EDU 259 | = BK 470 |
EDU 221 | = SPED 240 |
EDU 234 | = BK 366 |
Other courses taken at the community college will be used to satisfy elective courses needed for the major.
A list of the required Liberal Studies courses can be found at the following website
Students have the option of completing the 44 General Core requirement offered by the community college system in place of the ĢƵLiberal Studies requirement. The General Education requirements are somewhat different than those of WCU. Contact your transfer advisor at the community college for more information.
Pursuant to University of North Carolina System Policy, students who graduate from
an accredited community college in North Carolina and who have earned either an Associate
of Arts (A.A.) or an Associate of Science (A.S.) degree will have fulfilled all Liberal
Studies (general education) requirement at WCU.
Students who have earned a degree from an accredited institution located outside of
North Carolina will undergo a course-by-course evaluation for transfer credits and
may have to complete additional courses to fulfill the Liberal Studies requirement.
Students who possess an Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree will undergo a course-by-course evaluation for transfer credits. In most cases, the student will be required to complete additional courses at a community college or through ĢƵto fulfill the Liberal Studies requirement.
Transfer students who have questions in regard to their previous college courses fulfilling WCU’s Liberal Studies or General Education Core requirements are urged to contact the University Advising Center.
No, ĢƵdoes not recognize years of services, training, certifications, or other continuing education units as being equivalent to academic courses at the university level. Transfer credit will only be awarded for courses offered by institutions of higher education that are accredited by nationally recognized, regional accredited organizations. Evaluation of academic transcripts is conducted by the Registrar’s Office, not the individual department.
For Admissions information, visit
Visit Distance Education Tuition and Fees
If you have additional questions in regards to the Birth-Kindergarten Distance Learning Program, please e-mail Deb Henry at