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Sales and Marketing

Western's Marketing Department strives to be a community where scholarship is encouraged and where a forum exists for examining the principles and practices of the business world. In addition to the basic marketing principles and theories, computer application, international practices, social responsibility and ethical business standards are emphasized. Further, theory is blended with practical experience through a variety of innovative teaching techniques, e.g., experiential exercises, cases, and projects, to ensure that students are exposed to material that is on the cutting edge of the business world.

Students are also encouraged to engage in professionally-related clubs/associations, co-op experiences and internship programs, as well as consulting and/or research with marketing faculty. Students are assisted individually and collectively by marketing faculty through strong advisement and placement efforts, as well as with exposure to business persons. These combined efforts help develop and enhance oral and written communication skills, as well as analytical thinking and problem-solving among students.

Additionally, we are currently the only marketing program in North Carolina to offer a specialization in professional selling and sales management. The market for highly trained and skilled sales persons and sales managers is strong and continually growing this specialization serves the needs of students interested in sales and sales management as a potential career opportunity.

B.S.B.A. in Marketing requires 120 total hours: 42 Liberal Studies hours, 36 Business Core hours, 21 major hours and 21-27 general elective hours, depending on Liberal Studies courses completed. Students may select various interest areas, e.g., digital marketing, sales management, general marketing, by carefully choosing their electives in consultation with their academic adviser.

Major Requirements

Liberal Studies: 42 hours

Business Core: 36 hours

Students who wish to receive a must complete 18 hours of study.

The distance B.S.B.A. in Marketing program replicates the on-campus program with distance students taking the same courses delivered by the same faculty as students in the on-campus program. For more information, contact cobdistance@wcu.edu.

Most students enroll in 6-9 credit hours per semester.

The B.S.B.A. in Marketing requires 120 total hours: 42 hours, 36 hours, 21 and 15-21 general elective hours, depending on Liberal Studies courses completed.

Sales & Marketing Mission

The mission of the academic unit of Professional Selling and Marketing is to promote excellence in fields of marketing and professional selling and move Western Carolina University to the forefront in marketing education and training. We adhere to producing distinctive graduates with outstanding leadership potential through a curriculum emphasizing active learning involving academic studies enhanced by practical experience gained from engagement opportunities with businesses, and economic and community development agencies in the region and beyond. Our curriculum incorporates the core values of integrity, strong ethical values, an appreciation for diversity, intellectual vitality, and a passion for excellence.

Sales & Marketing Goals

The specific goals and outcomes for the program are:

1. Provide students with the ability to think critically in problem solving activities and apply the marketing theories and strategies learned throughout their marketing coursework and program.

2. Provide undergraduate students with the knowledge of key marketing concepts and principles used as a foundation by marketing professionals in the implementation and control of marketing strategy and marketing management activities.

3. Facilitate a learning environment that provides students with a foundation for making ethical decisions and understand the importance of social responsibility in business.

4. Prepare students for a successful career in marketing through refining students' written, oral, and technology skills. These skills are crucial for graduates to succeed in the workplace.

5. Provide undergraduate students with an understanding of global business and the importance of an appreciation and knowledge of cultural differences and similarities in the multicultural global business environment.

6. Provide students a learning environment (through coursework and activities) that supports their satisfaction with their decision to obtain a major in marketing.

There are numerous internship opportunities for students. In some cases internships are established through a faculty member in the student's major. Oftentimes students find part-time jobs in an area related to their field of study. When this happens, students should discuss with their academic advisor the possibility of receiving college credit. Generally, three hours of general elective credit can be earned for a minimum of 200 hours of experience.


  • Three (possibly more) hours of course credit which counts as a general elective towards your degree
  • Compensation
  • Relevant entry-level experience
  • Ability to make a more informed career decision and to be ahead of peers who do not have experience in the field
  • Future contacts and references/networking opportunities

How to Apply and Prepare

  • Visit Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵCareer Services and obtain information about resumes, job searches, and interviewing
  • Attend Career Services seminar on Resume Writing and schedule an appointment with Career Services for resume assistance
  • Attend Interviewing Skills and Job Search Seminars
  • Become involved in the appropriate student organizations
  • Attend Career Fairs
  • Once you accept an internship offer, with permission from your academic advisor register for the internship course to obtain three hours of elective credit. All students must keep a work log, submit a written report and make a short presentation to faculty and students about their work

Participating in student clubs and organizations like is a great way to enhance your educational experience and also looks good on your resume. Contact Steve Ha, iha@wcu.edu

Study Abroad programs are a great way to expand your horizons and at the same time earn college credit toward the completion of your academic program. If you want to gain international experience and exposure and a distinguishing edge in today's competitive job market, then studying abroad is for you. Academically, studying abroad is not only a fun way to earn credits, but it also exposes you to different teaching methods and perspectives on academic topics.

Western's Study Abroad opportunities are designed for both undergraduate and graduate students. These opportunities consist of programs that are one semester or an entire academic year, or even just for the summer. Each program has its own distinctions and prerequisites. Learn more about these opportunities

Sales and Marketing Faculty

Dan Bradbury

Assistant Professor

Ph.D., Sales & Marketing

Julie Johnson-Busbin


Ph.D., Sales & Marketing

James DeConinck


Ph.D., Sales & Marketing

Mary Beth DeConinck

Associate Instructor

MBA, Sales & Marketing

Scott Rader

Associate Professor

Ph.D., Sales & Marketing

Brian Whelan

Assistant Professor

D.B.A., Sales & Marketing