Lesson Plans:
Pottery 2: Connections
This is the second lesson plan of the unit, Discovering Pottery in North Carolina.
Grades/Subjects: 4 Visual Arts Education
Related Subjects: Social Studies and Language Arts
Learning Outcomes:
Students will have an opportunity to examine pottery for function, technique and design by reviewing the Craft Revival website and finding examples of pottery. Lesson 3 will follow to conclude this unit.
Teacher Planning:
It is recommended to continue exploring the Craft Revival website and collect a list of the best search paths for actual pottery items. In putting "pottery” into the search box will reveal all items, including literature on pottery.
- “Pottery Connections” recording sheet
- “Pottery Double Bubble” recording sheet
- http://craftrevival.wcu.edu
- Teacher will give each student a copy of the “Pottery Connections” recording sheet and explain how to use it.
- Teacher will provide an overview of the Craft Revival website and discuss how pottery was a component of the movement.
- Students will be instructed to locate and choose two different examples of pottery from the website.
- They will then use the recording sheet to describe each example of pottery, and speculate as to how it may have been used.
- When the “Pottery Connections” sheet is complete, students use this information to create a “Pottery Double Bubble.” Two pieces of pottery are listed in the two largest bubbles. Common traits are listed between them in connecting bubbles while descriptors that apply to only one piece of pottery are recorded on the outside bubbles.
Evaluate whether students have answered the questions about each example of pottery, and whether they have identified similarities and differences in the two examples of pottery.
Suggestion for students with special needs: Allow students to work with partners or allow the student to dictate what goes on to each sheet.
North Carolina Curriculum Alignment:
- Visual Arts Objectives, Grade 4: 5.01, 5.03
- Social Studies Objective, Grade 4: 5.02
- Language Arts Objectives, Grade 4: 3.05, 3.06, 4.02
Attachments and other items:
Click here for Lesson 3 of this unit.
- Submitted by Angela Lovedahl,
Curriculum Coordinator of Jackson County Schools, Sylva, NC.
Adapted by Jada Hansen.