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Western Roundup

To my new campus community, I write to you with the utmost enthusiasm and gratitude in my heart as I begin my first fall semester as chancellor of ĢƵ.  


Taking The Reins

It was November 1981 when a 23-year-old Kelli McCormack first graced the cover of a magazine. The publication was The Ohio Quarter Horse Association News, and the reason for the prominent placement of her smiling visage was that McCormack had recently won the title of Miss Rodeo Ohio and was in contention for Miss Rodeo America.  


Qualla Connection

Unassuming and humble to the point of charming, the log building that is home to ĢƵ’s Cherokee Center is located at 1594 Acquoni Road, past the tourist attractions of downtown Cherokee and shaded by trees near the junction of U.S. 441.  


Curb Appeal

This is clearly not your parent’s campus. ĢƵis in the midst of a campuswide construction boom. Even what you see today will be drastically different in the next couple of years as ĢƵupgrades, renovates and expands its facilities to accommodate the unprecedented growth it continues to see.  


Band seeks donations as it marches toward Macy’s

The “Lead the Way” campaign may be over, but fundraising never is because the need continues. Once again, the Pride of the Mountains Marching Band will head to New York City to perform at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and is accepting donations to help offset expenses.  


Course Of Action

When the weather outside is frightful, the ĢƵ golf teams don’t miss a beat. They just head to the Cordelia Camp Gymnasium and step into what feels like a virtual video game where they can practice nearly every aspect of their golf game — all with detailed feedback on how they’re doing.  


Staff Senate will hold monthly meeting Sept. 11 at University Center

Employee attendance at Staff Senate and Faculty Senate meetings is considered work time with the appropriate approval of the individual’s supervisor.  


Arts and Cultural Events Series begins with Hiplet Ballerina Company

The troupe will perform at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 17, at the Bardo Arts Center.  


‘Finding Funding’ workshop scheduled for researchers seeking grants

The hands-on workshop will be held Wednesday, Sept. 18, at 3:30 p.m. at Hunter Library.