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Education and Allied Professions receives grant from General Assembly for school leader preparation

ĢƵ’s College of Education and Allied Professions is the recipient of a major grant from the North Carolina General Assembly to aid in the preparation of future school leaders and administrators.  


Dorondo to present talk as world wars roundtable meets on campus

ĢƵassociate professor of history will speak on “The U.S. Army and Nuclear Deterrence, 1955-1991: A European Historical Context” as the Carolina Roundtable on the World Wars meets Wednesday, Oct. 17.  


Workshop to focus on cultural competency, diversity for nonprofits

WCU's Office of Professional Growth and Enrichment will offer a workshop focusing on “Building Cultural Competency and Diversity Within Nonprofits” on Friday, Oct. 19, at Biltmore Park in Asheville.  


Special and Digital Collections helps preserve Canton, Champion history

A recent collaboration of ĢƵ and the Canton Area Historical Museum preserves aspects of an important era of Haywood County and Western North Carolina, and gives the public an easy access to peek into the past.  


Home Depot co-founder Langone visiting campus for 'fireside chat'

Ken Langone, co-founder of Home Depot and well-known philanthropist, will speak on life and work as part of ĢƵ’s Distinguished Lecture Series on Monday, Oct. 22.  


Student choirs joining together to present 'Celebration of Song'

“Meta Music: A Celebration of Song” will be performed Thursday, Oct. 18, in the John Bardo Fine and Performing Arts Center.  

Brinkley Weigh Room

Catamount student-athletes benefit from generosity of alumni

David and Marie Brinkley believe in the Catamounts so much they donated $400,000 to improve the weight-lifting facility at ĢƵ, their alma mater, which benefits all ĢƵathletes. Yes, they’ve been blessed with money, they say, but the joy is in helping others.  


Fisher receives doctorate at University of New England

Garrett Fisher, ĢƵinstructor of Spanish, received his doctorate in educational leadership in May from the University of New England.  


Record crowds attend ĢƵon Tour programs…despite Florence

Heading out on a student recruitment tour to three central North Carolina cities right after hurricane remnants pass through those areas might seem like an iffy proposition, but the contingent that participated in ĢƵon Tour last week welcomed standing-room-only crowds.