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Local entrepreneur Phil Drake to speak on campus about success

Phil Drake of Franklin, a well-known entrepreneur and software pioneer, will discuss success and America's economic system in the conference room of Blue Ridge Hall.  


Interior design program coordinator uses tiny house as teaching tool

Her custom interior plan received a second-place award in the “green living/sustainable design” category of the International Design Awards competition.  


Dreams of hosting Latinx student leadership conference are about to come true

Members of WCU's Latino Appreciation Student Organization are anxiously anticipating what is believed to be the region’s first leadership conference targeting Hispanic/Latino college students.  


Campus hosting networking event for new chapter of PRSA

With more than 30,000 members, the Public Relations Society of America is the nation’s largest professional organization serving the communications industry.   


Reception at campus museum to close out exhibit on World War I

“I Want You! How World War I Transformed Western North Carolina” has been on display since November. The reception will take place 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Thursday, April 25, with light refreshments served.  


Architectural firm, contractor recognized for work on Brown Hall project

Curtis Monteith of WCU’s Department of Facilities Management presented an award to representatives of Watson Tate Savory and Vannoy Construction.  


Recital will feature trumpet player Paul Merkelo of Montreal Symphony

Paul Merkelo, principal trumpet player for the Montreal Symphony Orchestra, is the featured guest for a recital that will feature Russian and Armenian music.   


Events around Earth Day to include awards banquet, Mount Trashmore

From Mount Trashmore to the third annual Trashion Show, ĢƵ has a host events planned to Celebrate Earth Day.  


37th annual Language Contest set for April 23 at Ramsey Center

Department of World Languages students and faculty and other volunteers will serve as judges.