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Visual Arts & Theatre Safety

COVID-19 Studio Guidance
COVID-19 Studio Guidance Guidance to assist personnel with preparations for bringing their studio or shop back online after the shutdown and implementing procedures for the safe continuity of teaching activities in the 2020-2021 academic year.
Revision Date: 1/13/2021
SOP Template: Resuming Studio Operations A template SOP to assist the studio supervisor in developing and documenting procedures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.  Studio personnel should review the site specific SOP to attest that they understand the procedures in place.
Revision Date: 5/12/2020


Visual Arts & Theatre Safety Program

The Visual Arts & Theatre Safety Program is designed to provide guidance to personnel working in art studios and theatrical set design and construction.  The key to safety in these areas is to understand the types of hazards that may be encountered and know how to protect oneself from harm.

The Supervisor has a responsibility to ensure that personnel working in the studio are properly informed and trained to work effectively and safely in the area.  The information and documents available below identify the requirements for each studio or shop area and will ensure compliance with Federal and State regulations.