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Disability Parking

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As a community, we all play an important role in keeping accessibility in mind when we plan events, courses and any other activities on campus. We actively seek to create a welcoming environment for everyone.

Please note that all valid disability parking placards and license plates will be honored on campus. Vehicles displaying a disability parking placard or license plate may park in any space designated as disability parking or, if not available, in any faculty/staff or student space. 

Limited spaces are also available in the . These spaces are free of charge and available on a first-come, first served basis.

Find available disability parking on our

  • All valid disability parking placards and license plates, as defined by NC G.S. 20-37.6, will be honored on campus. However, disability parking placards and/or license plates may not be used in lieu of a valid parking permit. Vehicles displaying a disability parking placard or license plate may park in any space designated as disability parking or, if none is available, in any faculty/staff or student space. A Disability Placard issued by DMV should be displayed by hanging from rear view mirror.

  • Notify Parking Operations in person with the Disability Registration Card and placard number issued by the DMV. Please remember, DMV disability placards are assigned to individuals. Vehicles found displaying a disability placard that is not registered to the vehicle operator will be subject to ticketing for Illegal Use of Disability Placard, a $250 fine.

  • N.C.G.S. 20-37.6(a) provides that: "Any vehicle that is driven by or is transporting a person who is disabled and that displays a distinguishing license plate, a removable windshield placard, or a temporary removable windshield placard may be parked for unlimited periods in parking zones restricted as to the length of time parking is permitted. Any qualifying vehicle may park in spaces designated as restricted to vehicles driven by or transporting persons with special needs." 

  • Unauthorized parking in disability spaces and/or reserved spaces is strictly prohibited for ANY reason. Individuals with disabilities who wish to avail themselves of parking permitted under N.C.G.S. 20-37.6(a) must obtain from the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles ("DMV") and properly display a "distinguishing license plate" or "a removable windshield placard or a temporary removable windshield placard" pursuant to N.C.G.S. 20-37.6(b) and (c). Applications for these license plates and windshield placards may be obtained from the nearest office of the DMV. Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 20-37.6(cl), the initial application to the DMV must be "accompanied by a certification of a licensed physician, ophthalmologist, or optometrist or of the Division of Services for the Blind that the applicant requires special parking.

  • Violations of these provisions are punishable with penalties of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00)," and a law enforcement officer "may cause a vehicle parked in violation of this section to be towed." Emergency or fire lanes, service vehicle spaces, visitor spaces, reserved spaces, and no parking zones may not be used for disability parking.

  • In order to park legally in a disability space on campus, a vehicle must display an official disability placard approved by the state or a disability license plate. Neither the Parking Operations Office nor Health Services issue disability parking permits. Information on the acquisition of disability placards may be obtained by calling the NC License Bureau at 828-586-3886 located at 238 East Main Street in Sylva NC. Temporary disability permits are also available through that office for persons with temporary disabilities that require disability parking.

    It is recommended, but not mandatory that you visit the parking office and register your handicapped placard.

    The number of designated disability spaces on campus meets standards set by the State of N. C. and federal regulations. But, persons displaying disability placards may also park in any white or yellow space except for special use spaces (i.e.: reserved, loading zones, short term, service vehicle, etc.).

    Vehicles displaying disability placards must be in a designated parking space.

  • Motorists who require a temporary disability permit may apply at the local License Plate Agency (454 E Main Street in Sylva, 828-586-3886) or.

  • When temporary disability permits are issued, students and employees must comply with and are subject to all other provisions of these regulations. Employee or student may park in spaces designated by the special permit. Disability spaces are designated for disabled persons only.

  • Vehicles must have a disability permit displayed on the vehicle to park in a disability space.