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Career Modules for Faculty and Staff

Grab-and-Go Career Development Content

Career development conversations happen all across campus, and can be led by more than just the Center for Career and Professional Development staff. We know that faculty and staff serve as go-to resources for students for a variety of needs, including career-related questions. We've created career modules full of grab and go content for you to use. We welcome you to select any pieces you need and customize these materials to fit your goals. You may choose to use a full module, or just pick up a new worksheet or short video to integrate into the work you are already doing. If you need an editable version of a pdf, please contact us and we are happy to share.

In these modules you will find:

  • a lesson plan guide if you would like to dedicate a full class session or meeting to a topic,
  • an editable PowerPoint with suggested speaker's notes and built in activities,
  • handouts, worksheets and activities guides,
  • a variety of assignment ideas, and
  • supplemental resources such as short videos created by the CCPD, TED talks, and videos and articles from external resources curated by our staff.  

If you would like to brainstorm creating lessons, activities, and assignments for your class or group, please contact us. Faculty can reach out to their liaison, identified below. As always, our staff are happy to lead a workshop with your students, simply fill out our online request form

For DegreePlus related questions, please contact DegreePlus at degreeplus@wcu.edu 

New modules are consistently under development. If you have suggestions or questions about our career modules contact Carrie Hachadurian, Assoc. Director of Career Integrated Learning, at cphachadurian@wcu.edu


College Liaison Email
Arts and Sciences Carrie Hachadurian cphachadurian@wcu.edu 
Business Erin Waddell ewaddell@wcu.edu 
Education & Allied Professions Erin Waddell ewaddell@wcu.edu 
Engineering and Technology Carrie Hachadurian  cphachadurian@wcu.edu 
Fine and Performing Arts April McNiff amcniff@wcu.edu 
Health and Human Sciences Carrie Hachadurian cphachadurian@wcu.edu
Honors College Heather Gordon hgordon@wcu.edu 
Campus Partners/Staff April McNiff amcniff@wcu.edu 
USI/LEAD courses Heather Gordon hgordon@wcu.edu 


Lesson Plan with Assignments: Career Assessment Lesson Plan

Instructional PowerPoint: Career Assessment PPT

Handouts, Worksheets, and Activity Guides: Skills Worksheet | Interests Worksheet | Values Worksheet

Supplemental Resources:  (First-time users need to register for accounts using their Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵemail address. Access code: Catamount) | CCPD Career Guide | 

Lesson Plan with Assignments: Career Exploration Lesson Plan

Instructional PowerPoint: Career Exploration PPT

Handouts, Worksheets, and Activity Guides: Career and Major Exploration Worksheet

Supplemental Resources:  (First-time users need to register for accounts using their Ä¢¹½¶ÌÊÓƵemail address. Access code: Catamount) |  (Video) | (Video) | (Article)

Lesson Plan with Assignments: Cover Letter Lesson Plan

Instructional PowerPoint: Cover Letter PPT 

Handouts, Worksheets, and Activity Guides: Tailoring Your Cover Letter Worksheet | Cover Letter Rubric | Learn Your Transferable Skills Worksheet

Supplemental Resources: CCPD Career Guide | Vault's  (Article) | Vault's  (Article) | ZipRecruiter Blog  (Article)


Lesson Plan with Assignments: Graduate School Lesson Plan 

Instructional PowerPoint: Graduate School PPT

Handouts, Worksheets, and Activity Guides: Considering Graduate School Worksheet | Graduate School Comparison Sheet | Tracking Graduate School Applications in Excel

Supplemental Resources: Professional Associations often have resources for students, including advice articles and lists of accredited programs | CCPD Career Guide | College InfoGeek's (Article) | Peterson's | Princeton Review's  | WCU's Graduate School

Lesson Plan with Assignments: Internship Lesson Plan

Instructional PowerPoint: Internship PPT

Supplemental Resources:  (CCPD Video) |  (CCPD Video) | CCPD Internships Page 

Lesson Plan with Assignments: Interviewing Lesson Plan

Instructional PowerPoint: Interviewing PPT

Handouts, Worksheets, and Activity Guides: Pre-Interview Employer Research Worksheet | Using the STAR Method Worksheet | Interview Attire Planning Worksheet | Tips for Virtual Interviews

Supplemental Resources: CCPD Career Guide |  Big Interview Guide on Creating Assignments (Faculty will need an account created for them by CCPD) | Big Interview Guide on Completing Assignments (For students) | 5 Things You Need to Know About AI Video Interviews (Article) |  (video)

Lesson Plan with Assignments: Job Searching Lesson Plan

Instructional PowerPoint: Job Searching PPT

Handouts, Worksheets, and Activity Guides: Career Search Strategy Worksheet | Career Planning Worksheet | Job Analysis Worksheet

Supplemental Resources:  has videos on elevator pitches, using LinkedIn, networking and more! | CCPD Career Guide | Check out the resources in our networking module below | Inc's  

Lesson Plan with Assignments: Networking Lesson Plan

Instructional PowerPoint: Networking PPT

Handouts, Worksheets, and Activity Guides: Creating an Elevator Pitch Worksheet | Networking Chart | Job Searching Excel Sheet

Supplemental Resources:  has videos on elevator pitches, using LinkedIn and more! | CCPD Career Guide | Centennial College's (Video) | Self Made Millennial's  (Video) | The Balance Careers' (Article)

Lesson Plan with Assignments: Professionalism Lesson Plan

Instructional PowerPoint: Professionalism PPT

Supplemental Resources:  has videos on professional branding, using LinkedIn and more! | CCPD Career Guide |  (Video) | (Video) | (Article) | (Article)

This module has two versions: Starting Your Resume designed for first or second year students and Enhancing Your Resume designed for juniors and seniors
Lesson Plan with Assignments:
 Starting Your Resume Lesson Plan | Enhancing Your Resume Lesson Plan

Instructional PowerPoint: Starting Your Resume PPT | Enhancing Your Resume PPT

Handouts, Worksheets, and Activity Guides: Learn Your Transferable Skills Checklist | Crafting Strong Bullet Point Worksheets  | Resume Review Rubric

Supplemental Resources: CCPD Career Guide |   (Videos - Requires account, students can sign up and faculty/staff need to request accounts via the CCPD) | Vault's  (Article) | Fast Company's (Article)

Lesson Plan and Assignments: Virtual Career Fair Lesson Plan | Virtual Career Fair Assignments

Instructional PowerPoint: Virtual Career Fair Preparation

Handouts, Worksheets, and Activity Guides: Career Fair Checklists | Elevator Pitch

Supplemental Resources:  has videos on preparing for virtual fairs, presenting yourself during the fair, information on elevator pitches, and more!